Thursday, December 27, 2012


April 19, 2011 - A little thing I wrote..

My life, well it's been quite the experience. Probably the thing I've missed most is never having a shoulder to cry on, you know that loving mother who has all the right answers, who'll hold you tight while you cry your heart out. Or the grandmother who bakes cookies specifically to cheer you up. I never had that. The one thing I have been lucky for is my friends, they have always been there through the rough and ugly, helping me stay strong when I need them most. But it's not the same, we're all lost in the same fog, we can help each other but we don't have the answers. That's what I've missed...the answers.

All there is to do is wait...

December 27th 2012

So tonight I find myself wondering... will I always be alone?
Maybe I am just meant to be a drifter, going along in this world solo with the occasional companion. If that's how it is suppose to be I will endure. Although it's not easy feeling lonely..
After two failed relationships, a broken engagement and lost dreams I find myself uncertain.
I'm not sure where I am going or what path I am on anymore. Tonight I sit alone, wishing I had someone to hold me.. to keep company with. I waited a year and a half for an engagement that never was, and to be once more left alone. Is it even worth it anymore?
Love, I always will. Those who come into my life, whether they stay or go, will always have a place in my heart. Maybe that's my problem... I love too much. I've felt condemned for it many times... jealous boyfriends. Why does the world have to be so full of jealousy, envy, negativity? Why can't we all love and care for each other?

I guess I am still broken.

This year hasn't been easy. I thought I had everything set. I was engaged to a man I very much loved, I had my black stallion, the one, I thought. I had dreams to go to the top, to go international, then stand him stud. I had visions of riding bareback across the beach, the adventures I'd have with my boy... but in July those dreams were shattered. Very quickly my boy became sick, within three days he was gone.
The last time I saw I drove to the clinic to see him, he was standing, head down in the stall. Lines hooked IV carrying fluids from large bags hung above. I'll never forget touching him, his usually sleek coat was damp, sticky, and hot. For a brief few minutes he lifted his head enough to look me in the eye. I saw his pain, he was fighting hard for me...fighting a battle he was losing.
When I left he kept trying to walk out of the stall with me, nudging the door weakly with his muzzle. His eyes begged; “Mom, I don't know whats happening, don't leave me...” My heart was sinking..
But I couldn't stay.
That evening I drove back, crying hard, trying to see through the tears. My chest was tight with pain but still I was hoping I was wrong, and that everything would turn out fine..
I smoked some that night to try and get to sleep... no I smoked a lot... enough to put me into a misery ridden coma. Sometime hours later through the haze I heard my phone ringing. At first I thought I was imagining it, my mind was a racing blur. I knew. I had to answer although I considered letting it ring, as if that would make everything go away. Make what was happening stop.
Stumbling to the phone I picked up, my dad was on the end.
The vet had called and said my boy was doing very bad... he wanted permission to put him down..
At first as the reality struck me I couldn't respond. I was having trouble comprehending my fathers words. The vet said he was down, thrashing... in a lot of pain. They had tried everything but his heart rate was out of control. I knew it wasn't fair, but part of me wanted him to keep fighting, to overcome it. Reluctantly I gave my word.
Some time close to midnight my sweet boy was laid to rest. So young, with so much before him.

What I would give to go back and hug him one last time...

Just like that all my future plans evaporated. There is going to be no frolicking along the beach, no olympic rides, no black stallion in my stable. It was over. My best friend was gone.

It's been months now since his passing, and although I have tried to pick myself up from the deep depression I was in, I still have nights like this when I stumble once more into the darkness.
I think the shock is still rippling through me, I don't always remember things anymore and the days just go by. There is a lot of blur and little clarity.

I know that a lot of things went wrong, my engagement was broken off and after trying to keep the relationship together it finally failed as well and fell apart. I feel as if trying to pick up the pieces now is pointless. I'm at a loss for what to say or do.
All there is to do is wait.